Back pain spine

Back pain the spine — this is a chronic disease and degenerative changes that occur between the vertebral body and intervertebral disc is located. Depending on the location of the lesion are the backbone: cervical osteokondrozis, orange and osteochondritis of the lumbar low back pain. You need to make diagnosis for degenerative disc disease of the spine, radiography, and in this case its complications (such as intervertebral disc hernia) - spine MRI. With the spine treatment for degenerative disc disease medicamentul methods are still widely used, reflexology, massage, manual therapy, physiotherapy and therapeutic body.

Etiology and pathogenesis

Evolving to varying degrees around the globe of all ages is one of the spine lower back pain and the aging process. Intervertebral disk emerging earlier or later atrophic changes, however, injury, illness and various degenerative disc disease of the spine in the excessive contribution of earlier occurrence. Most often low back pain, low back pain, cervical and lumbar spine.

Theories developed about 10 degenerative disc disease: circulatory, hormonal, mechanical, genetic, infectious, allergic, and other. But none of them does not give a full explanation changes that occur in the spine, more accurately, they complement each other.

Accepted, why excess spinal motion segment two adjacent vertebrae, degenerative disc disease is a constant emphasize. Stereotype that can occur as a result of this overload, the skeletal — posture, in a special way, sit and walk. Poor posture, sitting, wrong posture, walk with a spinal irregular pillar, why the additional workload discs, ligaments and muscles of the spine. The process is exacerbated due to the failure of the spine and structural properties, texture, fabric caused by hereditary factors. Cervical vascular disorders the most common of the bad habits and road structure, and the early emergence of symptoms of degenerative disc disease, cervical spine.

View, usually due to lumbar degenerative disc disease, excessive intensity gradients and climbs. In a healthy intervertebral disc can withstand the load owing to the hydrophilicity of the nucleus pulposus in the centre important. Contains the core, and plenty of water and liquid, as is well known, very little is compressed. Strength more than 500 kg of intervertebral disc space that can occur in the healthy compartment, while it is modified as a result, degenerative disc disease, disc fragmented power compartment 200 kg. Live load is 200 kg the lumbar spine, a person's weight is 70 kg and that amount for a 15-pound load in the fuselage the forward tilt position, 200. Such a big pressure due to a small amount of nucleus pulposus. Increases as the slope load kg 700 489 the point of the intervertebral disc. for this reason, often the first clinical findings of degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine during the middle, lifting heavy objects, executive jobs, weeding in the garden, etc.

Destruction of connective tissue, the fibrous ring, disc, ligament and joint capsule that causes inflammation aseptic swelling and development model with an immune system response to model the joints and surrounding tissue. Offset occurs due to stretching the joint capsule of the vertebrae thanks to the wire model, modified intervertebral disc adjacent the vertebral body catches too tightly. The instability that occurs in the vertebral segment. Radicular spinal nerve root impingement due to a possible instability with the development of the syndrome. This is usually caused by the Rotary head whiplash during an osteochondrosis of a lumbar osteochondrosis during curved body. Spinal motion segment functional block forming maybe. The button driven compensatory reduction of Vertebrate Nov.

Rear longitudinal ligament caused by a herniated disk and bulging part of a disc problem happening before the disk in the spinal canal. If this quorum disk is squeezed in the spinal canal, such an IS called exploding hernia. Unexploded such intensity and duration of pain significantly more time than a hernia. Disc herniation can cause radicular syndrome or spinal cord compression.

Growth is an osteochondrosis, osteophyte formation bone formation — bone lashes organs and processes of the vertebra. The head of the spinal cord that can cause osteophyte, or why an improvement of the radicular syndrome.

The spine degenerative disc disease symptoms

Especially symptomatic spinal degenerative disc disease is pain. Pain, acute, high light, focus, the slightest movement of the affected segment and, therefore, causes the patient to get it is essential. So, an osteochondrosis the patient's head and rotate it holds a pose and less painful whiplash, thoracic and lumbar osteochondrosis osteochondrosis pain increases with deep breathing an even patient it difficult to sit, get up and walk. Typical for the compartment syndrome spinal nerve root such a pain.

Of the cases, approximately 80% is observed in moderate to dull the pain of a permanent nature. In such cases, during the examination, the doctor you need to break, the spine findings degenerative disc disease, myositis of the back muscles. During contraction due to extreme tensions Nov osteochondrosis, child, affected vertebral motor segment, stretching of the intervertebral disc, or significant inflammatory changes. It's not a mandatory condition of patients with this pain syndrome, but taped motion restriction and physical activity. Whiplash patients with lumbar osteochondrosis osteochondrosis sharp turns and shun head tilt - sit and slowly get up, shun curved body.

Complications of degenerative disc disease of the spine

Complications associated with intervertebral disc herniation and degenerative disc disease. To them is attributed the head of the spinal cord to the characteristic numbness, weakness, particular groups Nov extremity (compartment depending on the level) to find the cause paresis, Nov atrophy, change in the tendon reflexes, urinary disorders and bowel movements. Intervertebral hernia, may cause compartment artery feeding the spinal cord with the formation phase of ischemic (heart attack, spinal cord, brain) neural cell death. This emergence of neurological deficits (contrary motion, loss of sensitivity, trophic disorders), the prevalence of ischemia and to the appropriate level.

The spine degenerative disc disease diagnosis

Diagnosis was degenerative disc disease of the spine executes neurologist or spine. In the first stage to produce X-rays of the spine, 2-x appeared. The front if necessary to make shots, single vertebral segment and the additional scenes appeared. For the diagnosis of intervertebral hernia, spinal cord complications, degenerative disc disease, used for Situation Assessment and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI spine). MRI plays a great role in the differential diagnosis degenerative disc disease and other spinal diseases: tb spondylitis, osteomyelitis, tumors, gout, ankylosing spondylitis, arthritis, infectious lesions. Sometimes in complicated cases, degenerative disc disease, cervical spine, syringomyelia necessary exception. In some cases, the MRI shows the inability of the meeting miyelografi.

back pain spine

Maybe a certain time is affected by intervertebral disc discographies help. Electrophysiological studies and nerve pathways are used for determine the degree of the lesion, observation during treatment for their recovery in the process.

The spine degenerative disc disease treatment

The acute phase is shown in the rest of the affected vertebral motor segment. For this purpose, an osteochondrosis whiplash used using the grip, the collar, the opening of a lumbar osteochondrosis — bed rest. Osteochondrosis cervical vertebral segment fixation is required and instability.

This drug used for the treatment of degenerative disc disease etc .. that is non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): diclofenac, in nimesuli, lornoxicam, meloxicam. Analgesics, strong pain syndrome is shown, for example, an analgesic Action Center to flupirt. To relieve the voltage to use Nov, Nov relaxers — tolperison, Tizanidine on. In some cases, the appointment of an appropriate anticonvulsant drugs, carbamazepine, gabapentin; among which the choice of antidepressants, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (fluoxetine, paroxetine).

When it occurs radicular syndrome patient shown inpatient. Maybe local publicity against edema glucocorticoid therapy, traction application. Commonly used in the treatment of degenerative disc disease physical therapy, reflexology, massage, and physical therapy. Manual therapy application requires a clear alignment technique, execution, special care and treatment, degenerative disc disease, cervical spine.

Spine surgery spinal cord compression is shown first of all that important. That is to remove herniated intervertebral disc and spinal canal decompression. Mikrodiskektomi be done, maybe Laser disk zoning, backup disc stabilizing vertebrae, the implant of the affected segment.