Osteoarthritis: causes, symptoms, stage of osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis new treatment methods

Osteoarthritis (osteoarthritis of cranes, folk name - the accumulation of salts) - chronic degenerative joint disease-degenerative character occurred in the fracture, articular cartilage, joint capsule, bone deformation you want.

It should be noted, arthrosis, joint disease origins and mechanisms of development different with this group is near. The most common arthrosis in the major joints:

  • cranes of osteoarthritis of the knee (gonarthrosis),
  • cranes hip osteoarthritis (koksartroz),
  • also osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint.

The most severe type of osteoarthritis.

Arthrosis of the small joints are seen less frequently. Deforming arthrosis of the interphalangeal joints are the most common brush, the brush of the finger phalangeal joint of the big as well as seriously in disguise. Pain sick we celebrate interphalangeal joints, reduced mobility, and the emergence of hotels, joints, seals type (News and Bouchard nodules). Osteoarthritis is more frequently seen in the elderly such. Osteoarthritis of the joints often the foot.

This generalized polyarthritis, or osteoarthritis, is characterized by the involvement of more than one joint.

Osteoarthritis , joint, spine - spondyloarthrosis - spine diseases belong to the group, but there are other similar mechanism of development of arthritis.

Basic clinical symptoms in osteoarthritis joint pain, low mobility. Disruptive changes are identified by specific symptoms depends on the degree stage osteoarthritis and articular.

Osteoarthritis causes

Osteoarthritis primary and secondary acceptance division. Primary (idiopathic) violate arthrosis articular cartilage degeneration the result of recovery operations and earnings, without any abnormalities in the body works. Secondary osteoarthritis is the result of other pathological processes, and as a result a body that is already damaged articular surfaces of the joint or partial destruction of some external effects.

The most common diagnosis of traumatic osteoarthritis in young patients. And patients older, but not every time for spending a clear boundary between primary and secondary osteoarthritis.

They also cannot be detected due to arthrosis, contributing factors emergence and development is well known.

The following highlight the types, causes, contribute to the development of primary and secondary deforming osteoarthritis.

Osteoarthritis primary reasons - hereditary factors

To occur of the following hereditary disorders of development that may be caused by primary osteoarthritis:

  • genetic disorders of cartilage, joints, accelerated destruction of his leader;
  • birth defects, Nov-skeletal system (joint hypermobility, dysplasia, flat feet and other), the individual sections of the trauma that caused, cartilage, joints, and as a result, the emergence of osteoarthritis.

He noted. in addition, these cranes are predominantly interphalangeal joint of osteoarthritis of the upper extremities occurs in women and the female line the hereditary.

The reasons for secondary osteoarthritis

Secondary osteoarthritis is the result of injury, joint,. This damage can be triggered by various factors.

  1. Mechanical joint damage. Various factors joint injuries among this group, intro-articular fractures and is the result of the fracture of the joint structure. The same result continuous hairline cracks caused by excessive static and dynamic permanent loads of the joint (i.e. athletes). Trauma also cause joint load and obesity.

    Another factor, different a negative impact joint (buttocks first), incorrect posture.

    The joints that disrupt the structure of a surgical intervention.

  2. Joint diseases. Osteoarthritis may be the result of inflammatory joint diseases (acute and chronic arthritis, synovitis, primary aseptic necrosis of bone, etc.)

  3. Metabolic disorders, endocrine system diseases, mineral deficiency in the body. Various disorders metabolism, calcium, phosphorus and other minerals, vitamins and trace elements why staff changes, bone and cartilage, synovial fluid, and slowly ended in the destruction route violation recovery operations.

  4. Autoimmune diseases (gout, chondrocalcinosis, hemochromatosis, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis), hormonal disorders, estrogen deficiency in postmenopausal women tissue changes, joint, and slowly destroy them.

  5. Vascular diseases (atherosclerosis, the arteries, lower extremity occlusive disease, varicose disease), as well as lack of exercise cause circulatory disorders, periarticular tissues, bad blood flow tissues, joints, and dystrophic changes as a result.

Osteoarthritis development mechanism

Osteoarthritis X-ray

Development of osteoarthritis and cartilage destruction starts with. Accepted, occurs early thanks to blood circulation, capillary Galileo covers the floor. The cartilage of the joints and the adjacent bone occur in food food fluid, a circulatory disorder that causes the cartilage gradually becomes thinner and loses its elasticity, cracks, smooth the joint surface deteriorates, a reduced amount of synovial fluid, which provides slip joint. As a result, visible movements and pain during the crisis. Joint Space width is gradually reduced at the edges of the joint surfaces formed Bone Spikes-osteophyte.

Ultimately, the deformed joint, movement amplitude is reduced. Thus, the involutive developing osteoarthritis associated with the aging body. This form of osteoarthritis development usually slowly over many years.

Other forms of arthritis, the large joints, for example, post-traumatic, post-infectious, metabolic, poisoning, who got a couple of developing mechanisms but as a result, similar changes in the articular.

Osteoarthritis joint symptoms. Stage and grade of osteoarthritis

"Classic" is considered according to clinical and Radiological classification of osteoarthritis signs. According to him, three stages in the development of the disease. Her response Save the degree of classification, disability, osteoarthritis emit 3 degrees:

  • The degree of arthrosis does not prevent disease and it does work I
  • The degree of osteoarthritis II - heat prevents disease
  • The loss III degree of osteoarthritis disability.

Consider each of the stages specified in the clinical signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis more

Osteoarthritis of 1 degree (first-stage osteoarthritis)

Of the disease early in the morning, then the rest, notes, stiffness, difficulty, joint motion, enters slowly, and after a while started moving. Maybe some restriction is a common activity. Periodically the "start" pain (the pain at the beginning of a move after a long time, where it was found resting). In common with sharp movements tingling, pain but no movement. This stage of osteoarthritis, pain, visible only to the large and long-term effort and is reduced after rest. For small loads alone and there is no pain. In this phase of the disease, patients are rarely treated by a doctor.

During an X-ray of the joints, osteoarthritis 1 degrees custom changes invisible, sometimes visible at the edges of the joint with small osteophytes, joint gap narrowed a bit.

2 degrees of osteoarthritis (second stage osteoarthritis)

With further development the pain of osteoarthritis is important, in your hand a sharp character. A common mobility restriction in joints crunching a noticeable different no visible movement (contracture), functional shortening of the limbs, violated biomechanical movements, joint mobility but still continue. At this stage, the initial pain is characteristic of a gain as them sharper and longer. Under the influence of the physical load visible, constant fatigue, pressure sensation in the affected joints resulting from the so-called "mechanical pain" capabilities articular cartilage decline due to depreciation.

Destruction is already quite important in the joints, the joint starts partially deformed.

Radiography is displayed on osteophytes, joint space narrowing cracks of 2-3 times compared to the norm shows sclerosis, subchondral bone formation, pineal cystic spaces in the area.

Osteoarthritis is characterized by 2 degrees in a reduction of disability, inability to run for some business types.

The degree of osteoarthritis 3 (third-stage osteoarthritis)

Osteoarthritis 3 degrees, severe running, the stage of the disease. At this stage, it is observed:

  • joint deformity is important because (growth, bone, and the glenoid cavity accumulation of fluid);
  • protection from sudden movements like swinging movement restrictions;
  • a sharp pain not only move, but also a full rest - persistent pain associated with reflex spasm of the muscles as well as the development of reactive synovitis;
  • joint inflammation,
  • tenderness, Joint off guard like that.
  • spasmatic muscles around the knee and vestigial;

Limbs deformed axis, the Varus OR valgus foot odor difference (shaped like the letter "o" or "X").

During radiography has been the almost complete disappearance on 3 degrees of osteoarthritis, joint cavity, severe deformity, articular surfaces, a large multi-edge osteophyte. Mouse and identifiable joint calcification, para-articular tissue.

3 the disease too far a degree, usually a disability that gives me another reason already. Yourself in the following way:

  • will the pain constant and unbearable: and especially downhill walking and stair climbing - a hard test for a patient;
  • any movements a loud sound, beautiful voice, surrounding;
  • strong expression of the deformation of the joint, limited range of motion, only small-amplitude even impossible;

The pictures seen in the destruction of intro-articular structures (ligaments and meniscus), as well as a full wear of the cartilage and symptoms of multiple sclerosis (backup organs and structures of the connective tissue that processes).

4 degrees of osteoarthritis

The situation of a complete joint destruction during osteoarthritis, when the joint stops functioning completely separate because - 4 degrees of osteoarthritis. The observed pseudo - "joint blockade" - acute pain syndrome, which is impossible even limited movement of the patient's joint. Fourth degree unbearable pain accompanying osteoarthritis, joint pain, pain medication and intensive physical therapy even if not the strongest. Possible complete ankylosis (joints mixing) or newartriot (Education wrong the joints between the offset ends of bone). Independent motion in both cases is almost impossible.

Rough surfaces can be seen in the pictures is that enlightenment sclerosis with cystic suslonova, boiling the bone in the area joining the joint. Almost every time at this stage of the disease by means of implantation of artificial joint replacement which can only be to avoid injury.

Treatment of osteoarthritis

During the initial phase of treatment of osteoarthritis disease

The initial treatment of osteoarthritis of the first symptoms as early as possible the better - crunch joint pain, limited motion. In this step, useful drugs - chondroprotectors improve the structure of cartilage, and vitamin-mineral complexes.

Of importance, therapeutic exercise, proper nutrition and preventative actions. It should be noted a great emphasis on the Prevention of osteoarthritis and to prevent acute illness.

Treatment of arthrosis 2 - 3 degrees

Though, osteoarthritis heal completely impossible already 2-3 degrees, however, the process is the development of we may collect. This stage of treatment of osteoarthritis includes the following steps:

  • withdrawals or reduce pain syndrome
  • to remove joint inflammation.
  • there is a degenerative process of cartilage tissue and enhance recovery slow.

Osteoarthritis starts with pain in the acute phase of treatment and eliminate. This is used for non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID), analgesic. Bell intro-articular injections of corticosteroids. Necessary to reduce the load the Joint, it can't be a long walk or stand, lifting heavy objects.

Then withdrawal syndrome acute pain becomes an essential task to ensure that as far as possible, your joints and periarticular tissues in the recovery process intensive: improve blood circulation, boost metabolism, inflammatory processes the problem. Assigned chondroprotectors, vasodilators, as well as therapeutic exercises and physical therapy.

Treatment of osteoarthritis of degree 4

At this stage, the disease in the joints was almost completely destroyed. In this case there is only one way - change operation and the patient's knee joint prosthesis. The device significantly increases, joint mobility, many patients continued an active life, at least by getting rid of pain.