Back pain spine

Cervical osteokondrozis represents some dystrophic changes in the intervertebral discs and neck.

Cervical osteokondrozis

The negative effects are exposed to not only the drivers themselves, but also the spine, cartilage and soft fabric. The main feature is the fact his cervical vertebrae have the most reliable structure, as compared with other sections, this area is very sensitive. Vertebral located here close to each other, both the arteries, exercise, nutrition, the human brain.

If you shift the spine, probably a contraction of vascular and nerve bundles that would leave inevitably to the formation of the hernia and bulge outward between the vertebrae, changes in the structure of the spinal disc.

What is this?

Low back pain the cervical spine (Osteohondroz) – this degenerative-degenerative intervertebral disc lesions themselves, which is the result of damage to discs, vertebrae and joints cervical intervertebral disc Heights decline. As the disease progresses, if not treated and may cause headache, corruption, circulation, and even hernia. How and osteoporosis, due to a disease caused by disorders of mineral metabolism, resulting in bone and is less resistant to the joints.

Osteochondritis cervical instability can cause (similar symptoms and treatment with chondrosis , but there are a number of features), this time to accompany offset vertebrae. In contrast, this speeds up development, and degenerative disc disease, vertebral section.


Your doctor should determine the degree of development of cervical degenerative disc disease on the basis of history and examination carrying out is sick. There are only four degrees of separation:

  1. The first degree. Bud in the area of the disease, a patient of a pain in the neck can be observed in small, more intense, if a person starts Frozen Head.
  2. In the second degree. Cervical pain is very severe the patient's symptoms may be localized to the upper extremities. Shows the clinical picture at this stage, the development of the disease observed a pinched nerve bundles, what and why the sensation of intense pain. There, a headache, fatigue, and general weakness.
  3. The third degree. The pain is almost ongoing, that shoulder or arm. A herniated disk is diagnosed in some patients cause sensory loss of the upper extremity. In the examination, the doctor visibly decreased cervical mobility pain on palpation.
  4. Fourth degree. Intervertebral disc disease was almost completely destroyed at this stage. Connective tissue leads to visible deterioration of his time, the patient's condition. In the beginning I feel a strong pain, noise, bass, and bad direction field. This is what he says, What are coming out in the vein of bead that prevents the natural nutrition of the brain.

Cervical symptoms of degenerative disc disease

Degenerative disc disease symptoms, cervical

Cervical degenerative disc disease the major symptoms are dizziness, headache, horse racing, blood pressure.

The study diagnosis of the disease, pain and symptoms sometimes manifests itself wear I deleted the character at the same time, uncontrolled use of strong analgesics are symptoms of a disease that belies. The patient is a preparation for the hand pain, he thinks of himself, healthy, and so on, irreversible processes of development continues until the tissue, joints, neck and back.

Headache of cervical osteochondrosis during

Many of the most common symptoms are nonspecific human disease. Headaches, which is common especially in the female population. It may be difficult to determine because of headache, and, again, a connection between lesions in her spine. There is a person with headaches for about 14 different reasons to occur.

The most common reasons for headache during pathology described US:

  1. Cramps blood vessels in the brain;
  2. A pinched nerve roots;
  3. Reflex raised intracranial pressure.

Cervical osteochondrosis during a similar feeling headache, arterial hypertension, angina, or stroke. There's more, middle-aged and older, usually available development risks, a stroke or a heart attack.

It can be a pain, paroxysmal, continuous, pulsed, and stupid.

Patients with complaints of chest discomfort accompanied by a cardiac pathology and arrhythmia of the heart activity. A knowledgeable doctor to determine the cause. In case of headache, compatible with each other, nausea, dizziness and headache continuous murmur, the ECG is surely an unforgettable stay.

Dizziness during Cervical osteochondrosis

Dizziness during Cervical osteochondrosis

Such a situation clearly shows that low back pain cervical spine is always.

Dizziness may be the result of:

  1. Inflammation of the middle or inner ear;
  2. The brain vascular spasm;
  3. Disorders, the transmission of nerve impulses;
  4. The problem is a vestibular apparatus;
  5. Diseases of the cardiovascular system.

No clear criteria dizziness during osteochondrosis. However, existing system and non-systemic dizziness, is that they are there are differences.

Recommended to know the differences, the system and non-system dizziness, unusual aid their own reasons to determine this it would be:

  1. System-dizziness – vestibular disorders or objects in circular motion around the body this feeling a result of the study, visual analysis and receptor joints, Nov and epidermis (osteochondrosis, due to various causes);
  2. Dizziness does not have a system – some of these feelings feeling faint stun, unsafe condition upright. Non-system dizziness a feeling of being there is no turning back and this marks a significant difference compared to Circular.

One of the types of dizziness is a preparation for the man's hand, should be examined, an experienced doctor, first of all, a neurologist or (if the disease is in doubt pamukyer mAh. ear and nasopharynx) pamukyer mAh. Ear, Nose And Throat Specialist.

The reason for emergency hospitalization with osteochondrosis are related to whiplash, a determination of a patient (dizziness) signs such as such as:

  1. Paralysis of the facial muscles, and numbness in shoulder belt;
  2. Severe headache distortion in the background;
  3. Violation of coordinated movements;
  4. Extinction or loss of awareness.

Cervical osteochondrosis in horses blood pressure

Blood pressure during Cervical osteochondrosis

Cervical degenerative disc disease, irregular blood pressure for a long time link with installed. The vertebrae of the neck, there are important nerve endings and blood vessels.

The pressure characteristic within a days horse racing. Hypertension for a long time which is not typical of this disease. Reflex irritation of nerve endings, and short-term vascular spasm, hypertension cause Daily hopping dynamics.

The distinguishing feature of high-pressure, cervical osteochondrosis is a combination of the following symptoms:

  • Headache;
  • Pain in the arms and legs and chest;
  • Sensitivity reduction in the area of the neck;
  • Stress after formation of the pressure fluctuations, Nov tensions, and other similar situations where you were in an uncomfortable position for a long time.

These symptoms should be taken into account self-differentiation of Hypertension of different genesis.

Hell keen for a horse race there are grounds for immediate medical treatment and rapid deterioration.

Degenerative disc disease syndromes

Clinical cervical degenerative disc disease is laid out in a few syndromes. This syndrome emerged with more than one symptom.

Osteochondritis syndrome occurs thanks to the languages:

  1. Vertebral. Indicates a pathological process of bone and cartilage including vertebral his also called the fabric. Ayse leads to the formation of this kind of symptoms: limitation of motor activity, neck, pain during turns, the Radiological changes in the picture whiplash. To occur at exactly the same time, these signs vertebral syndrome. Similar symptoms may occur in a number of clinical myositis (Nov tissue pathology, and many other pathologies of the satellite motion in the body.
  2. Vertebral artery syndrome. Vascular bundles visible participation in the process, which is responsible for blood flow tissue, central nervous system. Talk about symptoms, what I can't stand the texture of the brain to get a given number of useful article. How to recognize this syndrome? The first symptom is a feeling of dizziness, tinnitus, mood, blood pressure, view the “cover” in front of the eyes. What this says neither one, the vertebral artery is located sostavlenie it is possible. Each ship has it's own nerve endings. Press those innervating the vertebral artery appears, migraines, numbness, short-term vision. As a result, changes in the vascular way, your brain the oxygen it needs. During this time, the person feels drowsiness, short-term impairment of consciousness, loses, attention, and control, the worse it works, and it remembers your information. You must allocate such a clinical picture, cervical tumor or vertebral artery atherosclerosis and inflammation with osteokondrozis pressed.
  3. Cardiac syndrome. Manifested chest burning,shortness of breath occur. Feeling the heartbeat are the most common man is tired and frustrated. This picture is typical of pathology and cardiology, for example, angina pectoris, coronary syndrome, had a heart attack. The causes of a correct output-like symptoms can be done after the ECG, the patient somewhere.
  4. Radicular syndrome. There is a limit of the cervical 8 pairs of eyes, each one of the roots of a place to get out of the lifetime limit. A osteokondrozis their involvement, either full or vice versa, the decrease in sensitivity strong pain feels sick. It can be seen numbness, neck pain, decreased sensitivity, language, and the area behind the ears, pain in the supraclavicular area. Sometimes, swallowing disorders, upper extremity numbness and movement of the belt fingers.

First aid, acute and degenerative disc disease at home

Pain syndrome that can be used for strong pain medications, such analg for tempalg or baralgi's. Not acceptable if these drugs bring relief NSAIDS (Diclofenac or NIS).

Frequently used, "distractions" means, for example, pepper spray, Band-Aid Act, and annoying but only heats the inflamed area pain. In this case, education in the region of edema, inflammation, the patient throughout the infusion or diuretic herbs to drink for 3-4 days. Osteokondrozis can't be treated like methods? These measures are only a temporary fix, why you should see a doctor.

It should be noted that the treatment of osteochondritis in which the doctor. When you are prompted doubt, the causes of pain in the cervical spine – degenerative disc disease-this view, you should consult a neurologist. This is the kind of disease that makes expert. The backbone of these diseases in some health centers have specialists that are dealing with narrow. You should consult with your clinic's spine with the question of how to cure this disease, now him.

Electrophoresis treatment for degenerative disc disease, neck

Treatment cervical osteokondrozis?

Osteochondritis treatment need drugs that are not possible during the initial phase of development, a revised diet, daily routine, a series of specific exercises to perform on a regular basis. Running may be an effective treatment for the disease in a form that vertebral degenerative changes, of course, different drugs etc .. only the application is suspended help.

Necessarily complex treatment measures, including physiotherapy – drugs by electrophoresis, ultrasound, magnetic therapy, laser therapy. These methods to help you cope with pain, inflammation, tissue swelling, develop the change process and improves blood circulation.

Medication treatment etc.

Basic treatment methods for degenerative disc disease, cervical spine – this drug .. etc therapy, physical therapy, massage neck and neck area, cervical osteochondrosis particularly effective during therapeutic exercises. For the main groups of drugs used in this disease include the following:

Name Working principle
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). This Voltaren Emulgel, NIS, meloxicam, ketonal, Ketanov, diclofenac, and other nimesuli Thin pain syndrome, a damaged nerve root aseptic inflammation and edema of incentive pay.
Drugs that improves the rheological properties of blood and blood. This aminophylline, Trendyol. Improve nutrition, and improve blood flow to the brain damaged nerve roots.
This B vitamins, combilipen, unigame, milgamma, neurobion. Improves metabolic processes nerve tissue.
Nov relaxants. This mydocalm, beta, sharp, Tizanidine, etc. Some of these drugs eliminates spasms Nov.
Chondroprotectors. Ayşe (glucosamine and chondroitin) artra, teraflex, doppelgerts, Toad, stone, Andronova, structovis, alflutop. These drugs, including cartilage restorative fabric, the damaged intervertebral disc.

Degenerative disc disease in taking the pill, it should be noted that a significant impact, medicine etc .. etc .. as though there will be treatment to combine it with other methods, including exercise. So it should be noted that a physician must appoint, on the basis of a more treatable disease, props, and other signs.