Osteoarthritis of the knee: at this stage, myths about symptoms and treatment

Osteoarthritis, a degenerative disease of the knee joint complex degenerative character, a stunning Nov-cartilage Department of series. The disease most frequently affected part of the knee of the lower extremity. Pathological changes in cartilage and periarticular areas, in most cases, thriving on the background of injury, biological aging, autoimmune disorders, character, potential musculoskeletal serious pressure foot. Common logopedija, loses stability, and depreciation normal motor ability. Finally, gradually deformed, in the last period completely crashes.

view on astroscope with osteoarthritis of the knee joint 3. degrees

And joint tissues degeneration manifested in in the form of not only physical dysfunction, lower extremity, but there are strong and painful sensations. Injuries which cause severe pathology in some cases, paralysis, foot. Because of this frustration important early prognosis of the disease emerged, and immediately the call to treat her.

Important about the disease

Before learning to recognize the tactics of treatment of patients significant, as described below the material, in itself, a mechanism with complete information of birth and Clinical Pathology. Immediately it should be noted that arthrosis and arthritis are closely related because, as a result of this disease, arthritic disease. But where visible from bone mercilessly unfortunate maladies no significant connection? The findings in gonarthrosis, which is to get to know him and what kind of violence?

Osteoarthritis causes

Degenerative-degenerative pathogenesis "start", the following factors-provocateurs:

Fullness the cause of osteoarthritis
  • once migrated injury – tibia fractures, dislocations, knee, body damage, meniscal tears, and breaks the bond to a fall on the knee, all kinds of cavities;
  • excessive physical load;
  • a sedentary lifestyle;
  • having a high body mass index;
  • system pathology and rheumatoid, gout, type of psoriasis, systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • the weakness of genetic inheritance bag-the skeletal system is an innate immaturity or structural elements;
  • disorders metabolism and blood flow;
  • hormonal when it fails, diabetes mellitus and other endocrine pathologies;
  • migrated or chronic infections and inflammatory diseases.

Quite often, people evolved to provide the criminals to make themselves stubborn talkative disease. Frequently the trauma of taking, appeal prefer to ignore them if you are first drugs pain specialist who can't etc .. etc.., handmade lotions, and so forth. And a few years later, done so in the past, inadequate treatment, gonarthrosis they came from the doctor already, in the best case – moderate. Ointment relieving pain and preventing physical and here already as early as you reach, you can not manage to, motion, typically accounting, are already in a radical way by applying surgical tactics.

Stage destruction

Then divide the disease phase and repulsed when creating the expert orthopaedic treatment scheme. Degree, quality, location, nature, origin, destruction, knee bone connections identified through a number of diagnostic radiography, such as MRI, sa, ULTRASOUND, blood tests and the patient's urine.

Speech cannot be distributed without treatment and qualitative information, status, visit the body of the patient and the doctor about the knee joint and features and you have to buy, it is enough treatment recommendations. Therefore, looking to improve the quality of life, don't ignore, visit, experienced, expert, talented, or just to tell you that the situation is still a problem using prescribe conservative surgery will be effective.

Pathology multiple developmental stages, kellgre according to the classification there are only four. All of the violence that characterized morphological changes (presence of osteophytes, reduction of articular cartilage and the degree of thinning, contraction joint spacing, etc.) and clinical features (limited flexion/extension the ability to support the rate, character, and the intensity of pain, etc.).

  • In the initial stage of osteoarthritis of this disease is just the beginning. External symptoms are mild or incomplete, form, harmony, and a joint is satisfactory. X-ray and MRI images or photos that can be monitored podsolnechnom small osteophytes subchondral osteosclerosis fuzzy edge on the edges of the joint surfaces in section, the size of small bone cysts. The joint gap is usually normal or modified, but it doesn't matter.
  • Of a disease in the second degree, the above indicators, osteosklerotik than the stove is that it is clearly the interarticular slit contraction. The patient begins, more powerful and often uncomfortable pain during walk downhill/uphill stairs, long-standing, sometimes at night. Developing lameness, joint action to achieve disability, especially stretch.
  • The third phase of deformation is characterized by the sudden degeneration and irreversible progress. The joint configuration in a way that is disrupted when the distance between the joint surfaces has been greatly reduced, bone growth, sharp as a magnified size. Pain is long-term, and even the rest of an annoying person, lameness is exacerbated. Addiction support visible burning-burning devices and help.
  • The fourth stage degenerative-degenerative pathogenesis available at the time of volume growth, osteopenia, yellow cartilage is completely destroyed if the joint gap or barely missing bone joint tissue following mating, forming strongly deformed. The knee joint is considered completely unsustainable and Nov organ-skeletal system, the human becomes incapable.

Symptoms and complaints

Depends on severity of clinical findings, pathological features, but at the same time factor. In any case, a nice little gonarthrosis, very difficult to tolerate, and 2-Oh, and 3-4 tbsp. includes a list of general symptoms:

painting the surface of the knee
  • pain syndrome, mostly the mechanical type (dull, aching, sharp, sudden, periodic and continuous);
  • during the crisis of the emergence of movements;
  • joint stiffness, joint;
  • amplitude restriction of movements;
  • Nov weakness, extremity;
  • hyperthermia, the skin and swelling in the affected area, the knee;
  • this gait changing as manifested by lameness and foot mowing;
  • instability syndrome or "drawer";
  • "jam" on the knee, sudden movements of the goings-on blockade, bone link.

Important! Conservative treatment, if this does not help the knee joint osteoarthritis has a disease throughout the complex, already in the worst case that could happen in the second phase of development Nov-cartilage degeneration. In contrast, traditional conservative treatment, all of the alternative methods, without exception, only one way to survive a serious long gonarthrosis 2-3-4 extent during the process helps to visibly improve the quality of life.

Conservative treatment

Non-surgical methods of treatment suitable during the initial phase, deforming osteoarthritis. Surgical treatment principle includes:

  • systematic execution, developed by an exercise physiologist professional basis;
  • holding physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • the application of pain relief medications, ointments, in the form of pill, injection, etc.;
  • assigned a doctor to follow a special diet and the right diet;
  • harmony is a special mode of daily physical activity;
  • a full disclaimer harmful habits;
  • the unquestioning passage re-diagnostic control;
  • recent research into private health spa facilities.

During Operation knee osteoarthritis


Now familiar with surgical methods, which often remains unnoticed because there is a need for early frequent pathology. The core issue having to deal with osteoarthritis already full "Chichewa", the article grasped around the affected joint of the joint structure and a big.

  • Total – more than it helps %to 95% in lower extremity motion and the knee is the most complete back lost support functions. The process is simple, then complex rehabilitation that's required, but the effect is worth it. Approximately a period of 3 months after the installation when faux is local instead of analog exposure irreversible pathological changes, returns, liquidated completely full amplitude leg movements pain syndrome.
  • Introduzione – uncirculated procedure "circuit" articulation, i.e., the biological structure of its destructive effects, however, sometimes there are a lot of, it may be, for example, if a person is not an opportunity pass implantation. Her essence is to remove the joint surfaces between the bone and the fixed connection is a special mating locking devices in an advantageous position. Natural that happens over time, mixing the listed items. Artificial ankylosis prevents explore joint mobility, however, allows you to achieve that good, capable of supporting limb and reduce pain.
  • Osteotomy, knee – used in extreme cases, for the same reason, arthrodesis, and what, in particular, the necessary delay the replacement for a few years. Session specialist performs operational during artificial fractures, bone and underneath them podpolnaya, more accurate, angle, thereby to distribute a load cartilage profitable items.
about the doctor arthrosis

The pathogenesis of No Return already exercise it's not correct, you have to understand. A number of medicines, ointments and even chondroprotectors, let alone cure his grandmother's gelatin the boards, will play a special role. At the most, in a working condition can help them more, so prepare and Nov-Nov upcoming an apparatus for the process.

Modern knee implants to be able to withstand an ordinary everyday load, this caches throughout your trinkets at least 15 years, usually 20-25 years. Even some sports a person busy and replaced the joint.

3 degrees of treatment

3-stage osteoarthritis surgery. Changes in the joint so that there is a character, at this stage, the disease reduces the level highly, life and health, ill. Nov-cartilage damage that has reached the critical point, tissue, bone marrow, a connection represents any functional significance. The yellow cover is almost completely destroyed.

  • Rebounding is important, including the cartilage itself, and through, a non-surgical way.
  • The interaction of the bone ends have flattened the surface naked and unnatural pressure, to constantly rub against each other, occasionally serious without the surrounding soft tissue and more deformed with each passing day.
  • The man feels a terrible pain, not to mention walk normally loss capabilities. Patients daily meal, and sleep time, Joy, and have peace of mind the pain in the afternoon. Units are relatively tolerant to human a situation as pointed out.
  • Anti-inflammatory analgesic drugs, usually mild action, but more often than not, a "job". Aicha Aicha chondroprotectors means nothing because insufficient cartilage supplementation retrofit and water balances, and recovers status.
astroscope surfaces completely healthy view

Effects of osteoarthritis you are trying to treat sometimes 2-3 degrees is a minimally invasive procedure (arthroscopy this), remove the edge which you can extract both detached osteophytes Nov-cartilage pieces in the joint cavity. Such manipulation, as evidenced by the comments of several city hotels, you can easily search for the patient's condition, some motor function improve, but only temporarily. Osteoarthritis and the knee joint remains active and may show itself again in the near future.

Pathogenesis of 3-4 degrees – a very serious problem to solve the more complex reconstructive and plastic is actually just the operating tactics. No, a Mac can ever be such a procedure and arthroplasty. The knee prosthesis, the prosthesis duplicate completely the mechanical properties, configuration, shapes and sizes will give you an opportunity to farewell a natural organ disease as unfortunate because she has a disability and you "gave".

The disease progresses rapidly and the talented walk the middle of the middle phase of 4 degrees within a few months. As the degenerative process will need to go to surgery as early as possible infiltrated deep to the bone. Heavily damaged bone may cause difficulty meeting has been seen.

Many, without realizing it until the end of conservative violence occurring degeneration unique and non-traditional tactics to try to trick all the ways to bypass surgery, swallowing handfuls of pills, ointment, imposing the infected zone. Someone Ayse appeal, osteopaths, private doctors, general practitioners, various alternative methods. Unfortunately, what is against nature, healing will come after them and need to accept this fact. For this reason, I couldn't get right, his eyes in an attempt, movement wise.

part of a damaged joint

To explore the viability of your decision depends on your physical! Stiffness and pain continue to torture you for a lifetime in vain the test "empty" methods of treatment: medicine .. etc .. etc., and there are special drugs, evidence-based database efficiency, when the severity of the disease. Start and live a full life and to pass surgical treatment to get rid of the old and supportive eyes burning-burning devices.

Anxiety-related, do not need surgical intervention, modern technology became very prominent, and clever changes in the knee joints durable implants abroad today. Then a similar implant, thanks to a good clinic, minimal risk of complications (1-2%) and recovery of mobility one of the features's more, 95% condition. Rehabilitation after joint replacement follow the course of 3-4 months envisions:

  • a custom recovery via physical medical Gymnastics;
  • drugs (antibiotics, antitrombotik, fund, etc.);
  • myostimulation program containing physiotherapy, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and wound healing procedures;
  • massage sessions (in the next phase of rehabilitation).

It's useful to know! 1 degree stop to prevent the disease conservative. If you do nothing and run, giving a degree of osteoarthritis of the knee 1 2 cross, treatment, medicine, .. etc .. etc .. are already very problematic, but still appropriate for the patient to a specific category a non-surgical approach. In the last two stages is always a process.

Treatment of 2 degrees

Gonarthrosis is a medium quality of life is already quite spoiled. The knee bothering the patient a powerful, painful syndrome to occur more frequent and more intense, more at the beginning of the disease. Immediately after waking up in the morning is a pain especially during ascent and descent for stair steps. That often arises, feeling an unpleasant numbness, A to appear, then long-term walking and standing for long periods in the same position. The area of the knee and reduced flexion, the patient able to bend the foot required by physiology. Man the forgiveness of his leg while running, barely walking, not to slowly atrophy what happens to him Nov.

pool advice, and always

Draw attention and qualified IMA a mandatory of the treatment an integrated approach.

  • The doctor sees an urgent need for surgery, reducing the load on the problematic assigned paramount part. Excess weight if you have ample room to provide a good body weight by adhering to set of articulation is necessarily required discharge of osteoarthritis, your diet, your doctor will suggest.
  • In all patients the prescription usage, custom orthotics-burning-burning devices at a time, move. Depending on this, the retainer may be an existing knee issue, pressure, underwear, elastic bandage, cane, crutches, Walker.
  • The recipe is also a sort of a series of exercises orthopaedic trauma, promote, develop and strengthen Nov durability of the affected limb.
  • Osteoarthritis is also the middle of-average means the manifestation of the knee cartilage tissue drug application containing substances .. etc. .. etc. Compositions attributed to them based on chondroitin sulfate, hyaluronic acid injections, medicines with glucosamine. They back the cartilage, but through the use of feed her nutritious components that can reach remission of the disease.
  • Advice and physiotherapy treatment procedures, however, implement them, and then it disappears all symptoms of inflammation. Physical sessions, for example, a laser, a magnet, you can show or must go through an ultrasound. Improves the hotel's physical therapy, nutrition and metabolism, bone, Nov, cartilage tissue. Your purchase vibroacoustic devices for home use, problem diagnosis and the features of your application specialist about the possibility of a first use of the device.

We have reviewed the basic principles which is based in the official treatment of osteoarthritis, orthopedics with the relevant standards. Because many people with osteoarthritis 2. very interested article and alternative methods of seeking salvation in them, we meet with the most popular ones. Until you know and like them, they are not unique to all of us.

Knee stem cell therapy

Knee stem cell therapy

Mesenchym stem cell autotransplantation in patients with knee gonarthrosis hand, the received pelvic or femoral comb. Cell therapy, as has been claimed related resources in the hands of almost self-renewal regenerative processes enable only the joints due to self-healing a damaged accommodation available. Theoretically this technology, improvements can be made forming unit Nov-cartilage organ. However, in practice, so far, no "live" radiographic during rush-up confirmed that there will be after the application of stem cells in the affected joints was healthy.

A positive impact of stem cells to the bone and joint is a major doubt and have not been proven, because this technique, orthopedics, yet recognized. Its just that scientists are studying and working. Read also relatively unsafe effects of stem cells in the human body, which, according to experts highly qualified, skilled oncology provoke. These people are well paid for the procedure that you remained satisfied with the result? Here I can tell you one thing: many patients don't believe an infinite life and money, but the placebo effect is valid for a short period of time, it's important to note that.

Sludge treatment

Therapeutic mud resources that contain unique components (magnesium, chromium, iodine, bromine, calcium nitrate, etc.) contribute to reduce painful symptoms, increased blood flow, patient areas, stimulation of the metabolism. The greatest value for the people they represent or an easy stage disease the patient already has leg surgery in the past. Behavior therapy, 2 degrees is permissible and mud, the doctor finds this natural remedy will reduce aggression .. etc .. etc .. along with the basic treatment program for pathological events (progression stops) and increase the overall clinical picture. Mud therapy treatment in private health institutions-the type of a healthy lifestyle. Natural healing based mud peloids and chassis galvanized chassis in the form of applications that are used by the combined method (electrophoresis).

The use of gelatin

A good diet to maintain healthy joints gelatine contribution

Natural gelatin – secure that enables a vehicle to maintain the structure of the joint is in good condition. Jelly substrate, a divorced are recommended to be consumed in water. According to reviews, some doctors, gelatin, thus faster and more efficient movement, bone, cartilage, and Nov bag items. Experts to highlight the healing benefits this way, just promoting the Prevention of osteoarthritis. Therefore, a deficiency or pathology in the pathogenesis of relationalism held already in the early stages can be treated, the prevention or progression of degenerative and dystrophic changes just as a precaution. Disease-carrying medium and heavy weather, this approach and not as a preventive measure, but it will do.

Ayurveda for joint

Modern alternative medicine, known as Ayurvedic treatments are among the many extraordinary trends and various parts of Nov-skeletal system. Down this atmosphere of defeat, the excess toxins accumulated in the body due to the joints that is associated with the energy mismatch. Harmful disorder energy balance mechanism (wool), paramount defense, weakening Agni, or digestive intestine the undigested food residue accumulation opened fire (But). Facilities like them articulation that carries toxins from the blood, where harmful substances accumulate and the metabolism of the oppressed.

Osteoarthritis Ayurveda treatment for each type and classify the various types of the system fabricated on each of their fundamental makeup, diet, herbal medicine .. etc. .. etc., intake, ayurvedic tablets and powders, yoga and breathing exercises, unusual massage, auto-training, healing, etc, of course, all of this sounds good, but you cannot even rotate the back osteoarthritis high-tech Scientific is it possible to believe that herbal powders, Ayurvedic treatment and other tactics will deliver you with thought, and irreversible deformation?!

Saline compresses

Salt compress is applied to prepare the salt solution used for impregnation with an intensive applied by the patient to the ground for a few hours. Such a treatment should not be considered as an independent tool, but even more so, as a panacea of gonarthrosis . Is capable of temporarily get rid of salt in order to appease the pain, edema, soft tissue covering the bone structure without damaging the biological structures. But damn it's not a disease, put the patient to the foot will! His action is completely symptomatic. Preparing the calculation of the solution: 1 liter water at room temperature is taken, 100 grams of salt.

Worth reading! If salt is used, sometimes dry, and the pouch is placed and heated as you want to perform local warming knee. Sometimes as wet but hot hijab. Hot glenoid cavity with purulent inflammatory processes procedures dangerous, they're just extremely aggravate the clinical picture. Therefore, do not use recipes that, to be sure, this is not a defeat, it is accompanied by a similar process.